DayTrippers Core Rules

DayTrippers Core Rules

Inspired by the surrealistic science fiction of Moebius, Moorcock, Rucker, Weinbaum, Heinlein, Vance, and other masters of weirdness, the DayTrippers system can be used for either “GM-Lite” collaborative play or heavily-prepped campaigns.

The system uses d6s only · Character generation is progressive point-buy · Actions are skill-based · Results are narrativistic · Experience points offer advancements of all types · Conversion tables included for d20, PbtA and percentage-based systems · Sample characters and vehicles included. · Progressive Character Generation and LifeShaping Events make characters flexible and easy to create · Action Resolution is both numeric and interpretive, creating a wide range of dramatic outcomes for every roll.

This Complete Game System Contains:

  • History & Setting
  • MegaCorporations & Companies
  • Character Build System
  • Progressive Character Generation
  • Ship Construction
  • Sample Characters
  • Generic Characters
  • Action Resolution
  • Helping
  • Taking Harm
  • Healing
  • Combat Rules
  • Vehicular Action
  • Vehicular Combat
  • Vector Slipping
  • Earning & Spending Experience
  • Optional Subsystems
  • Rules for Collaborative Play
  • System Conversion Tables
  • PC Sheet
  • Ship Sheet

Read an excerpt here.

DriveThru RPG (Print or PDF)
Amazon (Paperback or Kindle) (PDF)
Indie Press Revolution (PDF)
Open Gaming (PDF)

Pocket Things

Pocket Things

Pocket Things is a silly little storygame for people with pockets, and things in them.

Guest appearances by Chuck Norris possible, but not guaranteed.


Watch the World Die

Watch the World Die

Watch the World Die is a collaborative narrative game allowing any number of players to create their own custom apocalypse. There are no winners, and everybody loses. Get ready to ruin everything.

Are you planning a post-apocalyptic campaign? WTWD can help you create a consistent and collaborative background for any post-apocalyptic scenario!

Watch the World Die can be used as a standalone game, a solo game, a worldbuilding tool, or a prelude to a post-apoc RPG like Apocalypse World, etc. Depending your approach, preferences and ideas, it can be anything from a fun little one-shot game, to a structured brainstorming device, to a collaborative system for generating entire post-apocalyptic pre-game histories.

Notes for use with Apocalypse World: When played as a preface to an AW campaign, WTWD assumes the position of “Session Zero”. You do it with the same people who are going to be players in the campaign. It provides an interesting mood-setter or intro/exposition piece and it’s a great icebreaker for RPG newbies. Most importantly, it leaves behind a physical artifact – the timeline of the fall – which can be used as a practical tool by both players and gamemasters. This timeline assists in brainstorming character details which are faithful to the fictional world the group has collaboratively created, and it provides prompts and “common knowledge” for “what’s possible to find out there”.
