Reveal Slideshow Demo
Check out this unique way to present text-based or graphical content. Perfect for brochures or promotional slideshows, even web comics and galleries! Looks great on anything from phones to desktops. Want one? Let’s talk!
Check out this unique way to present text-based or graphical content. Perfect for brochures or promotional slideshows, even web comics and galleries! Looks great on anything from phones to desktops. Want one? Let’s talk!
Take a tour of the UbiquiCity anthology in this dynamic slideshow.
As If Productions (AIP) is the studio of writer, publisher, game designer & programmer Tod Foley, specializing in game design, web development and interactive systems.
Founded in 1991, AIP has developed immersive websites, virtual worlds, roleplaying games, CD-ROM games, viral marketing and live promotional events for clients including Comedy Central, 20th Century Fox Films, Sony/Epic Records, Times-Mirror Magazines, Walt Disney Records, Revelations Entertainment, Iron Crown Enterprises, The WELL and The Electronic Cafe International. No matter what type of interactive system you have in mind, we’re here to bring it to life – from design and development to webhosting and support.
Visit As If Productions at http://asifproductions.com/
I was recently a guest on “Fictoplasm” with Ralph Lovegrove and Becky Annison – an excellent podcast which takes a look at great works of fiction, and examines them from the point of view of game design. For example: How would you build a game out of Jeff VanderMeer’s mind-blowing novel “Annihilation” (first book in the famous “Southern Reach” series)?
That’s the topic under discussion. Have a listen. And read the book!
Play MP3:
Fictoplasm podcast: http://www.fictoplasm.net/podcast/episode-204-annihilation-by-jeff-vandermeer/
I wrote the parts of this book that dealt with EMBED and OBJECT tags, teaching people how to bring this great new thing called Multimedia into their web pages. The subtitle is “Wiring Your Site for Sound and Action”.
“Readers learn how to create exciting, stunning Web pages by adding full-motion video, animation, sounds, music, and 3D worlds with dazzling examples from the author.” If you’re still in 1996, that is. Hey, it was what it was.
Tod Foley created the Game Mechanics, Puzzle Designs and Mechanical Scripting methodology for this young adults edutainment/adventure CD-ROM game developed by the Judson Rosebush Company, published by Times Mirror Magazines and included in the Smithsonian’s “Ocean Planet” exhibit. Ocean Voyager won the Silver Medal at a 1995 Interactive Multimedia Competition run by the Smithsonian Institute.