CORE/DayTrippers @ Fandible

CORE/DayTrippers @ Fandible

Don’t you hate getting stuck in a derelict space mall with a bunch of creepy clowns who just might be an intergalactic murder cult? Us too!

Join Tod Foley and the Fandible crew as they explore an alternate dimension in this two-part one-shot of DayTrippers!

(Based on “The Sons of God” by Shawn Koch, available in the “Fragments 1” anthology from As If Books.)
Fictioneers – RPGs and Storygames Forum

Fictioneers – RPGs and Storygames Forum

Fictioneers are designers, facilitators and explorers of collaborative fictional spaces, otherwise known as “Roleplaying Games” and “Storygames.” is a directory of the games they play, and conversations about the things they do. In addition to its massive database of indie games, the site has been expanded to include an advanced Forum for the discussion of roleplaying games, storygames, game design and theory. Come join the discussion.