UbiquiCity 2: Undercurrents

UbiquiCity 2: Undercurrents

Now in final edit! I’m so excited to be nearing the point where I can bring you the second book in the UbiquiCity series. UbiquiCity Book 2: Undercurrents includes 8 new stories based in the city of ubiquitous computing, as well as return appearances from some of the characters in the first book. Authors Irene Bassett, Brad Cole, D.M. Dore, Jens Durke, S.L. Koch, G. Dean Manuel, Adrian McCauley and Rick Rosenkranz explore the lower end of the city’s socio-economic fractopia.

This Winter from As If Books

This is Fractopia

This is Fractopia

ThisIsFractopia.com is the home base of the Fractopia Podcast: forecasting the facts of tomorrow through the fiction of today. In this series, AIP founder Tod Foley examines current trends and developments in technology and science fiction, in order to create realistic visions of our potential tomorrow. Readers and writers of near-future science fiction will find much to think about in these topical episodes and exclusive interviews.


DayTrippers AP with Legends of Tabletop

DayTrippers AP with Legends of Tabletop

The one that started it all!

On March 12th 2017, I ran a game of DayTrippers entitled “Dream Job” for the Legends of Tabletop crew. In this 3+ hour game, characters played by John Haremza, Vincent LaRosa and Jesse Pyne entered one of our strangest scenarios yet: an unstable Dream World that reaches into your head and toys with your emotions. Talking book people, sexy flowers, and a giant baby were found. Much freaking out and a little bit of involuntary urination was involved. Here’s the video…

If you prefer audio via SoundCloud, we got you covered:

Dream Job – Part 1: The Mission

Dream Job – Part 2: The Compound

Dream Job – Part 3: The Extraction


UbiquiCity – Anthology Now Available

UbiquiCity – Anthology Now Available

Nine authors collaborated to envision a western Smart City 100 years in the future, extrapolating from modern trends such as ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, biotech, anti-aging and green technologies – alongside corporate governance and social upheaval. “UbiquiCity” is a work of interwoven fiction that might turn out to be all too real. Available in softcover and electronic formats:
Amazon – Paperback or Kindle
Barnes & Noble – Paperback or Nook
DrivethruFiction – Paperback or PDF
RPGnow – Paperback or PDF
SmashWords – Paperback, ePub or MOBI

Stories by Niko Carcosa, Antony Copeland, Tod Davies, Tod Foley, DeAnna Knippling, SL Koch, Shariann Lewitt, Adrian McCauley and T Reynolds explore a world where ubiquitous computing is the source of much innovation, renovation and social disruption.

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