Liquid Hitler – now on Kindle

LIQUID HITLER by S. L. Koch, published by As If Books. A story about information, knowledge, racism, gender identity, tripping balls, and the ever-present cosmic evil worming its way into reality to devour us all.
Now available for Amazon Kindle.

Editorial Services

Editorial Services

Comprehensive editorial services for both fiction and nonfiction, as well as technical writing and game design, with over 20 years of experience.

It’s important to find the right editor for your style and personality. That’s why I believe the ideal writer-editor relationship is both tight and extended. After all, it’s more than a matter of grammar; it’s a matter of message, voice, quality and consistency.

Click here for more information.


Thank you Tod Foley, for being such an integral part of our Publishing Team! Terrific and talented editor and loved by author. What a perfect combination.

— Carolyn Flower, Publisher, Author Success Coach, Bestselling Author

Living Nightmare

Living Nightmare

I recently finished a developmental edit on a great novel by an up-and-coming author, D. M. Dore. It’s a modern-day supernatural thriller that takes place in a mental institution. Here’s the blurb:


Night after night in the fourth-floor ward of Mendwell Institute, Tobin Blake awakens screaming from nightmares of gruesome deaths and tortured souls. Therapy isn’t helping, the drugs aren’t helping, and lately the nightmares are getting worse. When a new doctor and his hypnotist colleague arrive promising breakthroughs, most patients are relieved, but Tobin senses something deeper is amiss.

Now a stranger is hiding cryptic clues and suspicious newspaper clippings beneath her pillow, and when the nightly visions begin leaving bruises and scars on her waking body, Tobin must fight to retain what’s left of her sanity.

A riveting supernatural thriller that will leave you wondering where nightmares end, and reality begins.

Watch for it!



Tales of the Fractopian Future

Nine authors collaborate to build a “Smart City” of the first world 100 years in the future, examining the results of projected modern trends such as ubiquitous computing, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, biotech, anti-aging and green technologies – alongside corporate governance and social upheaval.

“UbiquiCity” is a work of interwoven fiction that might turn out to be very real.

It is the dawn of the 22nd century, and in the sprawling metropolis known as “UbiquiCity,” the most wealthy and powerful districts possess all the latest in smart technology, with every building, device and control system connected via the Internet Of Things.

The world is augmented and identity is fluid. Satellite-guided cars drive themselves. Busy drones fill the skies. Cloud-assisted bots perform once-human jobs. Appliances, vehicles, buildings, media devices, products, streetlights, roadsigns and even toilets communicate electronically, all under the watchful eye of the AI CitySystem. For the inhabitants of the UbiComp zones, life is sweet.

But not everyone in the city is so blessed.

Short stories by Niko Carcosa, Antony Copeland, Tod Davies, Tod Foley, DeAnna Knippling, SL Koch, Shariann Lewitt, Adrian McCauley, and T Reynolds paint a picture of a realistic future city where ubiquitous computing is the source of much innovation, renovation and social disruption.

Watch for the GameMaster’s Sourcebook usable with any science fiction roleplaying game, taking you inside the world of UbiquiCity!

Now available in paperback and electronic formats:

Amazon – Trade Paperback or Kindle

Barnes & Noble – Trade Paperback or Nook

DrivethruFiction – Trade Paperback or PDF

RPGnow – Trade Paperback or PDF

SmashWords – Trade Paperback, ePub or MOBI

For More Information

UbiquiCity Website



Media Kit





From 1993 to 1996, Tod edited a small nationally-distributed magazine called “PIX-Elation,” published by VRASP – the Virtual Reality Alliance of Students and Professionals. Here’s a sample issue, from June of 1994.
