WATCH THE WORLD DIE, my collaborative game of custom apocalypse - has hit SILVER status! That means it's selling at or above the 90th percentile of games available on DrivethruRPG, which deserves a WOOT! You can pick up a copy here:...
Gaming the Near Future: An Interview with RPG Creator Tod Foley
This is an interview I gave last year to Tamra Lucid for RealitySandwich, a site whose future is uncertain - not unlike our own. #UbiquiCity #Fractopia #Futurism #Utopia #Dystopia #Cyberpunk Gaming the Near Future: An Interview with RPG Creator Tod Foley by Tamra...
Foley talks Fractopia on Fictoplasm
I was recently a guest (for the second time!) on one of my favorite podcasts - Fictoplasm - for a discussion with Ralph Lovegrove, who did a great job of making sure I hit all the important bullet points despite my discursive nature. Topics include... • What is...
Fictioneers – RPGs and Storygames Forum
Fictioneers are designers, facilitators and explorers of collaborative fictional spaces, otherwise known as "Roleplaying Games" and "Storygames." is a directory of the games they play, and conversations about the things they do. In addition to its...
1 v 3 POV
One difficulty in writing first-person prose is the inability to describe the MC's personality and appearance. Because people rarely ever describe themselves (especially not as a narrator would), this can make visualization and emotional identification tricky; usually...
Living Nightmare is a Best-selling Supernatural Thriller!
I'm proud to have been involved with this book (as its editor), and THRILLED to see Deirdre Dore getting the attention she deserves! NOW TRENDING ON AMAZON'S INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLER LIST? Why, it's "Living Nightmare" by D.M. Dore! :-D...
Note to Authors: Keep your Character Ambivalence Tight
It's usually a bad idea to show internal conflict by jumping from "A" to "Not A" and back again in repeated succession. That doesn't make your character feel any more ambivalent than just doing it once. But it makes your thrust unclear, it feels like needless padding,...
“Living Nightmare” – now available!
Today's the day! You can now pre-order your copy of LIVING NIGHTMARE here: I am proud to have been involved with this book, editing the words of the very gifted Deirdre Dore, who promises us a unique series of paranormal and...
UbiquiCity Book 2 – Now Available!
UbiquiCity Book 2 "Undercurrents" has arrived. Return to the Fractopian Future! Stories by Irene Bassett, Brad Cole, D.M. Dore, Jens Durke, S.L. Koch, G. Dean Manuel, Adrian McCauley and Rick Rosenkranz paint a collaborative picture of our augmented future that is...
Liquid Hitler – now in paperback
The transgressive, bizarre and mind-expanding work of inter-dimensional crime drama LIQUID HITLER by S. L. Koch, published by As If Books. Now available in trade paperback from Amazon!
Book 2 Cover Reveal!
UbiquiCity Book 2: "Undercurrents" is in layup after a misstep with the original artist (the piece used some unlicensed content which I was unable to procure permissions for). So I commissioned a new cover from KHIUS (the artist who did the cover of the first book),...
UbiquiCity 2: Undercurrents
Now in final edit! I'm so excited to be nearing the point where I can bring you the second book in the UbiquiCity series. UbiquiCity Book 2: Undercurrents includes 8 new stories based in the city of ubiquitous computing, as well as return appearances from some of the...