The latest release from As If Books! "Handjobs for Satan and Other Weird Tales" is the first book in Shawn Koch's "Fragments" series of bizarro anthologies, and we're proud to bring it to you! Here's the back cover blurb... THE UNIVERSE IS SHATTERING, mind by mind....
UnNatural – A CORE World of Supernatural Adventure
Monsters, ghosts and demons are all real. You know this, because you kill them. Most people have no idea any of this is going on, and you like it that way. Let them sleep peacefully. You're the exception. The oddball. The watcher. The hunter. Fortunately, you're not...
The DayTrippers Campaign at Legends of Tabletop
Since March of 2017 the DayTrippers campaign at Legends of Tabletop has been a monthly event, with regular podcasts streaming live on YouTube, and edited audio versions (complete with sound effects thanks to host/producer John Haremza) archived at SoundCloud. These...
Liquid Hitler – now on Kindle
LIQUID HITLER by S. L. Koch, published by As If Books. A story about information, knowledge, racism, gender identity, tripping balls, and the ever-present cosmic evil worming its way into reality to devour us all. Now available for Amazon Kindle....
What Does LVX Mean?
A Brief Excursion into Qabalistic Semiotics. The answer's rather involved, so remember - you asked for it! Step One: Lux = Light Remember that a Latin "U" is written as a "V", so the word becomes "Lux", which means "Light". Light is the first object created ("Fiat...