If you’re interested in running oldschool characters in a PbtA system, or using PbtA moves in a d100-based game, you need a way to convert stats and moves between the two systems. Here is my 1d100 to PbtA Stats conversion table…
1d100 AW10 AW7 01-03 = -2 = -5 04-09 = -1 = -4 10-17 = +0 = -3 18-28 = +1 = -2 29-42 = +2 = -1 43-59 = +3 = +0 60-73 = +4 = +1 74-84 = +5 = +2 85-92 = +6 = +3 93-98 = +7 = +4 99-00 = +8 = +5
How to use this:
- Consult the row for your 1d100 %score and look under the AW10 column. This is your AW mod for that roll.
Example: A PC with a %score of 42 would have a +2 mod for that skill/stat in an AW game.
To import a 1d100 action resolution roll into an AW game:
- Consult the rows for your AW Stat under the AW10 column (Full Success) and the AW7 column (Partial). The high-end of the range shown is the number you must roll lower than.
Example: A PC with a +2 needs to roll below 42 for Full Success, and anything from there to 84 is a Partial Success.
To import an AW move into a 1d100 game:
- Hitting your %score or lower is a Full Success (10+);
hitting within 3 rows down from there is a Partial Success (7-9).
Example: A PC with a %score of 42 needs to roll below 42 (ie hit on their score) for Full Success (10+ result), and anything from there to 84 (3 rows down) is a Partial Success (7-9 result).