Space Master Companion

The Space Master Companion is a 1st Edition supplement that expands five areas of the Space Master RPG system…

  • Here are Alternate Settings, adding fascinating variety to your sci-fi scenarios.
  • The Stellar Empire fleshes out the details of man’s expansion into the heavens, ten thousand years hence. Included is a compilation of Major Houses, Corporations, and renegade groups.
  • Glittering Technology is a must for sci-fi games. The Companion provides new weapons, vehicles and spacecraft. Also included are MIRC’s (Mech Interface Robotic Comboids), a fusion of robot and man.
  • Under the Character Material section you’ll find new alien races and humanoid variations to populate your adventures.
  • The new Gamesmaster Material includes stellar and planetary development and MIRC combat (to be used with Tech Law). This section also adds more firepower to Space Master with new grenade, power sword, force knife, and martial arts rules.

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