Roleplaying & Storygames by Tod Foley

All RPGs and Storygames by Tod Foley are now available at DrivethruRPG and RPGnow. Bring these games to your table!

• Mythic Mortals Multiplied (Technical Grimoire Games, 2017) roleplaying game supplement
• Golden Age Adventures (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game anthology
• Black Hole Run (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game setting
• Other Borders (As If Productions, 2016) roleplaying game rules
• DayTrippers Core Rules (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game rules
• DayTrippers GameMasters Guide (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game rules
• Less Little (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game setting
• Vidome 123 (As If Productions, 2015) roleplaying game setting
• Watch the World Die (As If Productions, 2014) storygame rules
• Pocket Things (As If Productions, 2014) storygame rules
• CyberSpace (Iron Crown, 1st ed. 1989; 2nd ed. 1991) roleplaying game rules
• War on a Distant Moon (Iron Crown, 1988) roleplaying game setting
• Space Master Companion (Iron Crown Enterprises, 1987) roleplaying game rules
• Beyond the Core (Iron Crown, 1987) roleplaying game setting
• Tales of Deep Space (Iron Crown, 1987) roleplaying game setting

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