Now available from As If Books:

Now available from As If Books:

Pocket Things

Pocket Things is a silly little storygame for people with pockets, and things in them. Guest appearances by Chuck Norris possible, but not guaranteed. NOW AVAILABLE AT: DrivethruRPG Itch.io

UnNatural – A CORE World of Supernatural Adventure

Monsters, ghosts and demons are all real. You know this, because you kill them. Most people have no idea any of this is going on, and you like it that way. Let them sleep peacefully. You're the exception. The oddball. The watcher. The hunter. Fortunately,...


In the late 23rd century, the planet Bogg was discovered quite by accident when a hypershunt failed to reach its intended destination and a group of 3,000 human colonists was stranded there without any means of returning to Earth – a planet they have long...

Shinobi Village Re-released

A narrativist ensemble game about secret ninja drama on a long-forgotten island, written by Joe Jeskiewicz, Jonathan Walton & Tod Foley, with a resolution system based on "Rock-Paper-Scissors." New re-release for 2022! Shinobi Village was an entry in...

FRAGMENTS 1: Handjobs for Satan and Other Weird Tales

The latest release from As If Books! "Handjobs for Satan and Other Weird Tales" is the first book in Shawn Koch's "Fragments" series of bizarro anthologies, and we're proud to bring it to you! Here's the back cover blurb... THE UNIVERSE IS SHATTERING, mind...

DayTrippers Open-Source Rules

Released under Creative Commons, this is an open-source version of the DayTrippers RPG rules for customization. NOW AVAILABLE AT: DrivethruRPG

Luminarium Two: Bright Manifest

Who would you hurt to achieve justice? Former war hero Jenna Ridley, seeking a new rebellion Intergalactic fugitive Trevor McVee, out to avenge his father's murder Shape-shifting killer Windicott Ames, fearful he'll never find peace As their dark paths lead...

DayTrippers GameMasters Guide

Get ready for the next level of Auteur GameMastering: an infinite variety of surreal science fiction tales are waiting to emerge at your table. Psychic Content. Oracular Prep. Narrative Resolution. Vertical Control. High Bleed. You've played like this...

UbiquiCity 2: UnderCurrents

Beneath the smartglass towers, hovering drones and digital advertisements of Union City's corporate elite, life on the streets follows its own cyber-organic rhythms... » Powerful corporations fight wars through proxies, and digital reality is the battlefield...

Golden Age Adventures

THE FUTURE AIN'T WHAT IT USED TO BE! DayTrippers Golden Age Adventures is now available in paperback, hardback, or PDF format for your science fiction campaigns! GOLDEN AGE ADVENTURES is an anthology of 16 roleplaying adventures based on "Golden Age" stories...

Under the As If imprint, I write, edit and publish fiction (mostly of the speculative variety) and games (mostly of the roleplaying variety).


Original Content

Fiction, nonfiction, technical articles, website content and marketing copy for the small and weird

Editorial Services

Proofreading, Copy Editing, Line Editing and Developmental Editing for works of fiction


Information Architecture

Organization of content for optimal concision and understanding, on the web or in print

Publishing Services

Preparation of your manuscript for publication in both print and electronic formats

Game Consultation

In-depth analysis and suggestions for improvement of game rules and organization


Concise and comprehensive manuals and guides for your software or group activity

As If Websites

A surreal science-fiction reality-hopping roleplaying game


A directory of indie RPGs and storygames


A collaborative anthology set in a fractopian world


A vision of the future, not utopian or dystopian, but fractured


Associated Writers

Books & Games

Writing/Editing Credits

Cups of Coffee

Random Testimonial:

“Tod’s efforts on my two-book ‘Luminarium’ series went above and beyond my expectations. Not only did his line edits fix my clunky verbiage, but his critique of plot points, repetition, and character arcs will make my books a much, much better read for those who pick them up.”

— Rick Rosenkranz
Sometimes I Write About Writing
Anthropic Partnership

Anthropic Partnership

I've been accepted to the partners program at Anthropic, makers of the "Claude" AI. With access to the API and remote capabilities, you can look forward to groundbreaking new developments in interactive fiction bots and generative experiences, including the next...

DayTrippers GM Bot

DayTrippers GM Bot

DayTrippers GM Bot — Now On Poe!  Want to play a game but nobody's available to GM?  Come meet the GM Bot, and play some DayTrippers! https://poe.com/DayTrippersGM  

The Dynor Restoration Project

The Dynor Restoration Project

THE DUNGEON OF DYNOR is itchfunding, and Level 1 is locked down! Support the Dynor Restoration Project to help get more levels of this ancient megadungeon scanned, cleaned, prepped and released! https://as-if.itch.io/the-dungeon-of-dynor

Drop Me a Line


Original Content

Fiction, nonfiction, technical articles, website content and marketing copy for the small and weird

Editorial Services

Proofreading, Line Editing, Copy Editing, Developmental Editing and Consulting for works of fiction


Information Architecture

Organization of content for optimal concision and understanding, on the web or in print

Publishing Services

Preparation of your manuscript for publication in both print and electronic formats

Game Consultation

In-depth analysis and suggestions for improvement of game rules and organization


Concise and comprehensive manuals and guides for your software or group activity

Looking for a hybrid publisher?
As If Books publishes fiction (mostly of the speculative variety)
and games (mostly of the roleplaying variety).