Talking about “Other Borders” with Brie Sheldon
Curious about “Other Borders”? Click here to read “Five or So Questions” by Brie Sheldon!
Curious about “Other Borders”? Click here to read “Five or So Questions” by Brie Sheldon!
I was recently interviewed by The Alternate Brie Sheldon, who asked me Five or So Questions about “DayTrippers” – the surreal science fiction reality-hopping roleplaying game.
BS: Tell me a little about DayTrippers. What excites you about it?
TF: To answer that, I’ll need to talk about two things: themes and mechanics. This will take a little explanation. Thematically, DayTrippers is my love letter to weird science fiction. I’ve always been a SF fan, but the appeal was never about the science or technology. For me it was all about the mind, and about questioning the nature of reality…
Read the full interview here.
There’s a new group on Goodreads.com, devoted to RPGs & Storygames. This group discusses books, rules and play aides written for GMs and Players of tabletop roleplaying games. We happily straddle the blurry line between RPG designers and GMs, so you don’t have to be “pro” to join, but you do have to have an interest in writing or reading RPG rules.
On 12 Dec, I ran an exhibition game of DayTrippers for the Rolling Boxcars blog, authored by Keith Mageau. In this 3+ hour session via Google Hangout, characters played by Keith Mageau, Tesla Ranger and Lloyd Gyan risk their fictional lives, appearing in the top-rated surreality show of 2115: HyperSurvive!
Here’s the video:
The Kickstarter campaign for Tom McGrenery’s Malandros has funded, and I will be writing one of the stretch goals: a modern magical reality piece called Other Borders.
There are borders everyone sees: the looming fence with its sporadic observation platforms, the tags claiming this block or that in the name of a local gang, or the wrought-iron fences surrounding gated communities. There are borders that are only real in our minds, like the imaginary lines that divide country from country, or one race from another. But in this sleepy little town, another border reveals itself to those who are gifted with the power to see it: the veil between the worlds. Even today, the old ways of magic are still taught, visions and transformations are still practiced, and opposing clans are locked in a daily battle that no policia would understand.
Journey into a modern world of ancient conflicts, where secret rituals, divinations, animal sacrifices and hallucinatory drugs are gateways to the other side. The people here move in two worlds, and reality is more flexible than it seems.
Well the DayTrippers Q&A session on #RPGNET is over, and we have the transcript for anyone who missed it right here:
[Q&A] Tod Foley (DayTrippers)
A somewhat cleaned-up version is posted below the jump.
If you’re curious about DayTrippers or want to know what else is in the pipeline from As If Productions, check it out. Thanks to Dan Davenport for setting up this event – it was a blast!